Labour Consulting | Trade Unions | HR Administration | Smart working & Welfare

Our consultancy includes contractual and regulatory assistance in the management of labour relations and trade union relations, the drafting of welfare and Smart Working agreements and pareristics of all kinds. We can handle any issue, related to any type of contract.

Labor Consulting

  • Management of all accounting, economic, legal, insurance, social security and social aspects relating to labour relations
  • Assistance and representation of the company in out-of-court disputes (conciliation and arbitration) arising from employment and self-employment relationships
  • Assistance and representation in litigation with social security, insurance and inspection institutions
  • Office and party technical consultancy
  • Security consultancy

Some fulfilments

  • Preparation of emplo letters for ordinary or special contracts and endorsement of request books
  • Ordinary and extraordinary management, such as corporate restructuring, redundancy management and procedures of all kinds
  • We specialise in due diligence for acquisitions and incorporations
  • Drafting of tender contracts
  • Management of national and international secondments and expatriates

Human Resources

  • Hiring, termination, accident and other management
  • Regular production of pay slips and models for withholding payments
  • Production of information printouts detailing, also by cost centre, provisions, payroll costs, employer and employee contributions
  • Assistance on any subject or activity concerning personnel relations or legal obligations related to employee relations

Trade Unions

Management of relations with trade unions both in the ordinary way and in phases of momentary difficulties or company restructuring

Smart Working

Assistance with the introduction and management of smartworking in companies, in relation to the compulsory requirements essential for administrative regularity


We support companies in the phase of introducing welfare policies at the regulatory level, to implement an effective welfare model focused on the real needs of workers


Our consultants help you in the management of labour relations, economic, legal, insurance and social security aspects

Data processing (*)

Quick contacts

  • Milan Office 02-48193249
  • Pavia Office 0382-538188

Our working method

Our consultants follow their clients from A to Z: no fragmentation or division of labour. The relationship is direct and transparent in every aspect. The use of advanced software allows us to have everything under control, in a single interface.